

EP #24: Dr Jill Interviews Dr Mary Shackelton Of Holistica Integrative Care

In this episode, Dr. Jill and Dr. Mary Shackelton discuss environmental toxicity and prenatal care in prevention of autism.


Green Living with Tee: "Cleanse before you conceive for the health of your baby"

In this episode, Green Living with Tee dives into the benefits of preparing your body for pregnancy with a cleanse. From improving fertility to promoting a healthier pregnancy, learn why cleansing before conception is crucial for the health of your future child.


The Midnight Magic + Mayhem Podcast: The Health of Women is Crucial to the Health of the World

This episode with Dr. Mary Shackelton is a master class and in-depth conversation about women’s health, beauty, empowerment, sisterhood, hormones, and more. Mary is my doctor, my friend and her energy is contagious. She takes intense science and makes it easy to understand while inspiring with her clarity.


EP 222 Pre-Conception Cleanse, Mitochondrial Health, & Autoimmunity | Dr. Mary Shackelton, MPH, ND

In this episode I discuss how to Optimize Health for a Successful Pregnancy: on Pre-Conception Cleanse, Mitochondrial Health, & Autoimmunity - EP 222"


Episode #114 Delivering Health podcast interview on Pre-Pregnancy detox

This podcast interview with me of Dr. John Neustadt, ND, as I discuss the importance of pre-pregnancy detox, focuses on pre-conception health and the dangers of exposure to heavy metals and toxins. Key takeaways include the importance of detoxification, applications for water detoxification, endocrine disruptors, and the toxicity of stress. In this episode I also discuss ways to eliminate toxins from the body, including the use of infrared saunas, HVAC filters, and the timeframe for a healthy detoxification.


Naturopathic Medicine with Dr. Mary Shackelton, Motherhood Uncut Podcast, Season 2, Episode 15

This heartwarming and inspiring podcast brings the parts of motherhood that nobody wants to talk about to the table. With humor, authenticity, clinical knowledge, research, and personal experience in mothering, Kate and Deb discuss and facilitate conversations about everything mothering-related including the good, the bad, the messy, and the hilarious.


Cleanse Before Conception | Dr Mary Shackelton Reveals A Major Cause Of Infertility & Baby Health Issues Today

Thinking about starting a family soon? Want to do everything you can to protect the health of your baby? Then this episode is for you. Our guest is Dr Mary Shackelton, a naturopathic doctor and founder of Holistica Integrative Care in the US. She’s been practicing naturopathic medicine for 25 years with an emphasis on women’s health. Her current focus is on environmental medicine and recovering from the many health conditions associated with toxic exposures today…including autoimmune diseases, infertility, chronic fatigue, neurological conditions…the list goes on.


Why You Must Cleanse Before You Conceive | Dr. Mary Shackelton talk about the importance of detoxing before you get pregnant, and if you’re in your child bearing years and plan to conceive.

In this podcast, you will learn: How long you need to detox before you conceive. Can you detox when you’re pregnant or nursing? Why it’s key to eat fresh herbs to detox. Why MTHFR and toxins are involved in multiple miscarriages. Is the master cleanse good as a detox? Is water fasting recommended as a detox?


Episode #26 Season: 4 Dr. Mary Shackelton: Naturopathic Women's Health Medicine 50% with Marcylle Combs

In this podcast, you will learn how Environmental Medicine and the conditions associated with toxic exposures including auto-immunity, chronic fatigue, cognitive decline, hormone imbalances, mitochondrial dysfunction, and neurologic conditions.


Episode #138: Your Health, Your Story: The Story of the Pre Conception Cleanse with Dr. Mary Shackelton

In this podcast episode, we explore the alarming presence of toxins in our bodies, even before birth, and their potential impact on fertility and overall health. We are joined by Dr. Mary Shackelton, a renowned naturopathic doctor, who shares her unique protocol for detoxifying and optimizing the human body, particularly for couples planning to conceive. She discusses the prevalence of harmful chemicals found in umbilical cord samples, the link to health issues such as cancer, kidney and liver disease, and the potential effects on our neurological systems. We also delve into the male perspective on fertility and the role of toxins. Listen in to learn about the power of a pre-conception cleanse and how it can change your life.


Episode #173: Preconception Detox: Reducing Toxins for Optimal Health
with Dr. Mary Shackelton

In this podcast episode, we dive into the topic of toxic exposure and its impact on our health, discussing how factors like breathing air, drinking water, and eating food can contribute to toxicity, and why you need to start detoxification long before you plan on getting pregnant.


7 - Dr. Mary Shackelton - Breaking Tradition: Promoting Period Positivity and Menstrual Equality with Heather Allmendinger

In today's advanced world, it's surprising to note that discussions surrounding menstruation remain taboo in many countries, leading to a lack of understanding among young girls and women about their own menstrual cycles! Join Heather as she speaks with Mary Shackelton about the importance of breaking free from traditional perspectives on menstruation. Mary advocates for period positivity and menstrual equality, advocating for a shift in how society perceives and discusses menstruation! Stay tuned!

Materials on this website are provided for informational or educational purposes only, and are not intended as a substitute for the advice of your physician or healthcare professional.
Always consult with your physician or healthcare professional before embarking on any options offered here on this website.